Terms of use upload form

By uploading (including possible photos) the person initiating the upload (uploader) guarantees that all rights on the uploaded content necessary for the permanent publication on the globally accessible websites www.fashion-week-berlin.com, respectively, have been acquired independently and in a timely manner. 
 This primarily includes copyright, trademark rights, ancillary copyright, and rights of personality and as part of this declaration, in particular, rights of reproduction, distribution, and editing rights necessary for the publication. Furthermore, the uploader guarantees that Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH (Berlin Partner) is not obliged to name the author/holder of copyright and related rights and that the uploaded content complies with applicable statutory provisions. The guarantees mentioned are necessary as Berlin Partner does not check content uploaded by third parties for potential legal infringements without special reference.

By uploading Berlin Partner is granted non-exclusive use of the content as outlined above. Transfer to a third party of the rights resulting from this declaration is not permissible. In return for the transfer of utilisation rights, the uploader shall be entitled to publish the uploaded content on the websites www.fashion-week-berlin.com, respectively.

The uploader shall indemnify and hold harmless Berlin Partner from and against any and all claims made by third parties claiming direct infringement of their rights or infringement of statutory provisions. 

 This shall also apply to any of the legal representatives or vicarious agents of Berlin Partner. Such indemnification shall also include the reimbursement of any costs related to the exercise of rights incurred by Berlin Partner, its legal representatives or vicarious agents.

Finally, the uploader guarantees that all uploaded content is free of viruses, worms, Trojans or other programmes which may endanger or adversely affect the functioning of the websites www.fashion-week-berlin.com, respectively.